Check the latest and greatest Fun Facts from Brian himself!

Facts will be updated on Friday mornings!


Friday, January 17

Nickelback Themed

  • Nickelback appeared on the radar playing Green Day covers in the one-moose-town of Hanna, Alberta, but left for Vancouver when Chad decided that a throng of farm-hands didn't constitute 'a fanbase'. "It's impossible to get a band off the ground in Hanna," he reflects. Agriculture's loss was rock 'n' roll's gain

  • Chad's delinquent lyrics are a fair reflection of his juvenile rap sheet, whose highlights include truancy, trespassing and the theft of a small truck. "I honestly think if Nickelback hadn't worked out, I'd be in jail, on a charge of grand theft auto or trafficking," he says.

  • The case against Nickelback has long hinged on Chad's 'spaniel-in-a-wind-tunnel' hairstyle, but it might surprise haters to learn the singer is no fan either. "I was watching the How You Remind Me video and even I was disgusted," he sighs. "My hair was terrible. It made me look so old. I was 26 and looked 37."

  • ‘The Beatles' came to John Lennon in a dream. 'The Doors' was inspired by a William Blake poem. The origins of Nickelback were more prosaic, with the name occuring to bassist Mike Kroeger as he toiled in Starbucks, repeating the same mantra as he handed customers their change: "here's your nickel back".

Friday, January 10

generation slang

  • NPC, which is an abbreviation of ‘non-playable character’ is typically used as an insult to refer to someone who lacks critical thinking and follows a herd mentality.

  • Gyatt or gyat is a slang term that is used to express strong excitement, surprise, or admiration. Gyatt is most commonly used as an exclamation in reaction to seeing a large butt (that is, the buttocks) and may be used as a noun to mean a large butt.

  • Rizz which is short for ‘charisma,’ refers to the ability to charm a romantic or sexual partner and first began gaining popularity online in 2023.

  • Pookie is often used as a term of endearment among romantic partners or close friends, like pet names such as ‘honey’ or ‘sweetheart.’

Friday, January 3

KWIK trip

  • Kwik Trip makes almost all of its products on-site at its 90-acre La Crosse campus. At the Kwik Trip Dairy, workers churn the company’s own brand of ice cream, bottle their own milk, and even manufacture their own plastic jugs.

  • It’s not every day a doctor leaves the healthcare field to work at a convenience store, but on Jan. 1, Dr. Scott Zietlow, a trauma surgeon at The Mayo Clinic, did just that and succeeded his dad, Don, as the second-generation president and CEO of Kwik Trip Inc. He’s now in charge of the company’s 36,000 employees, who work at more than 800 locations across six states.

  • Initially just a convenience store when it opened its first location in Eau Claire in 1965, Kwik Trip added gasoline to its services five years later. By 1971, the retailer expanded to five stores, moved its headquarters to La Crosse, and built a distribution center.

  • Like all of the company’s baked goods, Kwik Trip’s famous donuts are made fresh daily at its  La Crosse headquarters. The facility produces more than two million donuts every week, which breaks down to 24,000 Glazers every hour, or approximately 400 every minute.